New AdOps Ticket Submission Process

New AdOps Ticket Submission Process

Hi friends,

Please see below for an outline of the new process:

1. Tickets by ask:

·      Please submit tickets for net new placements that require tags separately from requests for placements that have run previously/ have already been trafficked and require an asset swap.

·      A good way to remember this is if you are sending tags to the publisher, that would be it’s own ticket. If you require a backend change, that would be another ticket.

·      If you are not sending tags and require a backend change, that’s a swap. From an AdOps perspective, swaps are for 3p display and video only.

·      You will receive tags for 1x1s regardless if they’re running on a new placement or a swap. AdOps will always need to pull tags for 1x1s and cannot change these on the backend. It may make sense on your end to submit 1x1s with a swap request if the publisher will be swapping the 1x1s.

2. Tickets by Site:

·      Please submit tickets by separate sites/publishers.


·      For example, requests for placements running on Hulu, Pandora, and ESPN would be three different tickets.


·       This allows AdOps to divide and conquer, while also ensuring any problems that may arise with a certain publisher will not impact turnaround time for the other sites.


·      Please include the site/publisher’s name in the ticket request title:
Example-  #30492 PwC Products | Trafficking | HR Daily Advisor | 7.7


·      Please submit both trafficking and J&J requests by site


3. Submitting Assets:

·      For creative, you can provide the links to assets as you currently do, where you only give AdOps what is needed for that certain request. This may mean files are broken out by site, but if all sites are running the same creative, then one folder with all creative is fine.


·      As with the old submission process, please only give us the creative we need to complete that specific ticket. For example, if a ticket is for NBCU, please only link creative needed to traffic NBCU placements.


·      You may provide the same creative links on multiple tickets,  this is okay! AdOps will work together to ensure creative is loaded into the campaign, please just be sure to give us what we need as you always have.



4. URL swaps and Ad/ Creative Extensions and Pausing


For url swaps and ad/creative extensions there is no need to divide a url swap or ad/ creative date change by site. It may be beneficial to you to separate by site, but there is no change to the previously established process. If you are pulling an export for these changes, please make sure to only include the placements that need to be edited are present on the export and note the date the export was pulled. Please never delete any columns from the export.

5. J&J Requests

Please separate requests by site, with the exception of social/search/fees which should be submitted together

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,

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