Submitting a ticket to AdOps| how to use the webform

Submitting a ticket to AdOps| how to use the webform

The XM AdOps team manages all ad tech execution for direct and programmatic display, native, audio and video buys across the agency.  Sending the detail needed for efficient and effective request fulfillment is key.  There are over 90 active advertisers that the AdOps team manages at any given moment. 

The devil is in the details.

Here's a best practices document with a lot  of helpful tips.

You'll want to submit the ticket via this webform

No email you send will open a ticket.  You must use the webform.

This first page of the webform is required for every request to AdOps.  Take note of the tips listed under each field:

To move on to the specifics of your request, you'll need to select what the ticket is related to from the dropdown.  Here's an explanation of what to select:
  1. Ad or Creative Changes
    1. this is for changes made to already trafficked ads/creatives:
    2. changing ad or creative dates
    3. changing the creative rotation values
    4. pausing a creative
    5. removing a creative from assignment to an ad
  2. AdTech Troubleshooting
    1. this is for troubleshooting requests related to the ad server or ad tags
  3. Build or Add to a Campaign
    1. you need an AdOps Coordinator to build or add to a campaign for you
  4. Campaign Revisions
    1. you need an AdOps Coordinator to edit campaign, package or placement details in the ad server - ADZ campaigns only
  5. Close campaign or advertiser
    1. the campaign is expired 
    2. the relationship with a client is expired
  6. Documentation needed
    1. you'd like documentation updated (builders, etc)
    2. you need 'how to' documentation for your team
    3. you need a POV on something AdTech related
    4.     you need documentation that is client facing
  7. Floodlights or pixels
    1. you need floodlights created
    2. you need floodlights validated
    3. you need partner pixels placed in floodlights (where applicable by client and pixel type)
    4. you shouldn't use this if your client is on Pixel Central.
  8. Integrating or removing a new tech partner
    1. examples (but not limited to): ispot, disqo, adelaide, foursquare, videoamp, etc
    2. you're adding a new 4th party partner to your client 
      1. please have a call with Nickki before agreeing to the partner usage.
    3. you need to remove a tech partner after they're no longer needed.
  9. OSD - New Vendor Domain
    1. you need to send an io to a supplier that is in OSD, but get a message that you can't.
      1.  note: there is a smartsheet with CAMO that will handle this for new or revised suppliers.
  10. OSD Troubleshooting
    1. you're encountering issues with the buying platform
      1. note: this is only until 3/31/25 for Tech Team to monitor true platform issues
  11. Push to Ad Server
    1. you have placements in OSD that need ad tags
  12. Removing VPAID elements
    1. your supplier said they found VPAID in their VAST tags and you need it removed.
  13. Trafficking
    1. new advertiser created
    2. general trafficking (creative assigned, etc)
    3.  url updates
    4.  adding new creatives to a campaign
  14. User access or deactivation
    1. access to CM360 for xmedians or external persons
    2. access to OSD for xmedians (note - this does not include GDW teams)
    3. deactivation from CM360 or OSD when xmedians switch accounts
    4. deactivation from CM360 or OSD when xmedians leave XM
    5. deactivation of a supplier from CM360 when we're no longer working with them
If you have a request that combines multiple options, please reach out to Julie Monteleone to see what's the best way to submit or submit individual tickets for each topic
      An example of a combo request would be adding new assets to an already trafficked campaign and needing to update dates on       the creatives that are already assigned. 
      Best practice here would be to submit 1 ticket for the date changes and another ticket for the new asset assignments. 

The selection from the drop down will dictate what your next page and required information will be.  Follow the prompts under each field.

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