XMTD formula and instructions for adding CM ID for DSP creative names
If you're ever in an instance where you work in an DSP and you need the CM Placement ID to the DSP creative name, here's how you'd do it so you don't have to manually add the id to the name in platform.
CM Placement name and ID = DSP creative name and ID
How to use excel to add the placement id to the placement name
- Open the tag sheet you've received from AdOps.
- Go to the next available blank column on the tag sheet
- paste the following formula into the blank column:
- =CONCATENATE(first placement name cell &"_"&first placement id cell)
- depending on your tag sheet, the formula may be slightly different but a sample would look like this: =CONCATENATE(J12&"_"&F12)
- drag the formula down
- check to make sure the 'new' name is what you want it to be
- copy the formulas and then paste values to make them actual text
like this:
- OPTIONAL: copy and paste values of the 'new' placement name you've made into the existing placement column.
- if you do this, do so with care
This is commonly used with Youtube but can also be used with The Trade Desk or another DSP where the CM placement id is needed.
the formula takes two cells and adds the contents together, inserting an underscore between the placement name and the placement id
= | opens the equation |
concatenate | what you want the formula to do |
( | opens the formula |
placement name cell | collects the placement name |
& | tells the formula to add another parameter |
"_" | specifically adding the underscore |
& | tells the formula to add another parameter |
placement id cell | collects the placement id |
) | closes the formula |
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