XM Standard naming conventions

XM Standard naming conventions

Below are Crossmedia’s standard naming conventions, inclusive of examples for campaign, placement, creative and utm structure for DNAV media – Display, Native, Audio & Video - purchased via direct supplier or programmatically.  Each of the pieces below are used in the utm appends to ensure that data is consistent.  URLs are forced lowercase and spaces are removed.  Prohibited characters (anything that is not alphanumeric except for a period) are not permitted due to the structure of the builders and generators used to traffic campaigns and how the final URL will function. 

Any updates made to naming conventions or URL appends must be discussed and aligned on prior to the start of a new fiscal.  This will ensure standardization and consistency in internal documents used to traffic campaigns, URLs and data health. Should any updates be requested by the client team or an internal XM team, please discuss with XM’s AdOps Director, Nickki DuBan, prior to the start of the new fiscal.

Client Code-Client Name_Campaign Initiative_Year
Site_Target-subtarget_Geo_Placement Description_Unit Size_Channel_Viewable?_Added Value?

XM Standard URL appends

If utilizing Google Analytics, Crossmedia recommends the following usage of utm parameters.  It ensures one to one matching with what is in the ad server for ease of identification in reporting to attribute clicks to paid media run or tracked via CM360.

utm_source=what site or DSP the media is running on
utm_medium=display, video, native, etc. whichever applies best to the placement. hard coded.
utm_campaign=CM360 campaign name
utm_term=CM360 placement name
utm_content=CM360 creative name_cm creative id

The above recommendation will pull friendly names into GA.  The option to use ad server macros to pull ids into GA instead of friendly names is available, but a lookup table will be needed to decipher the ids coming into reporting.

If the analytics platform is Adobe, the following is recommended:


The above are macros that pull in the ids for CM360 campaign, site media is running on, CM360 placement id, and CM360 creative id.

For customizations to the above standards, please discuss with XM’s AdOps Director, Nickki DuBan, confirm adjustments can be accommodated and are executed prior to the first campaign launch.

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