Turning on Big Query for an Advertiser in CM360

Turning on Big Query for an Advertiser in CM360

In CM, if you enable BigQuery, it applies to the whole seat. T The data sent to the BigQuery dataset will include all advertisers, so 1 advertiser in the XM ad server seat would be receiving data from all those other accounts, which is simply not permisable.

Should an advertiser have their own ad server seat and wish to activate BigQuery, that can be enabled at the admin level on the seat.

On the GMP side, it is free to set up BigQuery. Within BigQuery itself,  Henry from MediaMonks said he believes the fees are relatively low at around $5 per terabyte. But, if a client needs Media.Monk's support in setting up BigQuery, this is something that would require an additional SOW with MediaMonks.

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