A running list of OSD, frequently asked questions, nuances and how to solve for them.  This is both agency and AdOps facing.  There is a compressed table of contents to the right (see 'On this page').  You can also search the doc by hitting command and f at the same time to open a search box.

Your first stop for OSD resources should always be this Smartsheet.


  1. You find platform breaks/things in the UI that get you stuck

    1.  include screenshots and/or screen recordings, how you encountered the issues
    2. cc Yas and your team's alias.
    1.  include screenshots and/or screen recordings, how you encountered the issues


  1. Trying to find a user in OSD user admin and you can't search by email. 

    1. ADOPS: In the UI, you have to search by name.  There's no fix for that, sorry.
  2. I need access to a client in OSD.

    1. Send a ticket to adops requesting access.  Select 'user access or deactivation' from the drop down.
  3. I need to access Freewheel Academy (FWA).

    1. go to: https://academy.freewheel.com/learn/signin
    1. Returning user: log in with your XM email address
      1. your password will be unique to you. 
        1. if you can't remember your password, hit 'forget password'
    2. New user: You've never logged into FWA ever.
      1. go to: https://academy.freewheel.com/learn/register
      2. Complete the self-registration questionnaire.
      3. Use the following Branch code: Buy_Agencies_100
      4. Submit the form.
      5. Once the request has been submitted, log in credentials should be received within 24 business hours.


  1. Builder walkthrough

    1. Video found here.
    2. Updated walk through video can be found here.  It details adjustments made on 2/4/25
  2. Campaign Groups

    1. Campaigns are archived and I don't want them to be.

      1. Admins are the only ones who have the power to archive, so don't push that button.
      2. Archiving is undoable.
    2. I need to archive a CG.

      1. Unlink the MC first.
        1. If you don't unlink the MC, you won't be able to archive the CG.
      2. Reach out to AdOps via teams to start a convo about archiving your campaign group.
    3. I need to update my dates in the CG

      1. Go into your CG and update them. 
      2. Double check that any linked MC's and estimates within the MCs dates are also good.

Template Updates

  1. I need a new dimension or Geo added to the builder

    1. REQUEST THIS BEFORE YOU BUILD YOUR MC if possible. Picklists are not retroactive!!
      1. If you need the picklist addition to be applied to an existing campaign, that's not possible because the picklists in OSD are not retroactive.
        1. You'll have the correct information in your placement name but other dropdowns in the MC may differ slightly.
      2. If you've already built your MC but it's empty, scroll down to see how to copy your MC so you don't need to make it from scratch.
    2. Teams message Nickki to make the update in the builder and OSD.  If Nickki is OOO, teams Julie and she'll either do it or delegate the request to someone on the team.
      1. ADOPS: You'll update all builders with the new picklist option.  [Video to come on how to update builder picklists]


  1. I need to delete an estimate

    1. check with CAMO to make sure you're permitted to delete an estimate.
      1. they may want you to keep the estimate in SBMS, but ask you to zero it out first.
    2. make sure the estimate is zeroed out before  it's unlinked from the campaign.
    3. unlink the zero'ed out estimate from the campaign
    4. if CAMO gives you approval to delete the estimate, you'd delete the zero'ed out estimate from sbms
      1. OSD will automatically remove the estimate after it's been deleted from sbms.
  2. Where do I find my estimates in OSD?

    1. There are two spots to access your estimates.  In the Media Campaign area, you can access your estimate by clicking the view/edit link under finance on the MC's homes screen, or you can click the word 'finance' in the MC navigation row. 
    2. that will take you to the finance screen that will have a list of estimates your team has created for this MC:

Media Campaigns

  1. Options are missing from the drop downs

    1. It's likely that the drop downs were updated after the MC was built. Drop downs are not retroactive.  New options added to drop downs will be available in any new MC post-drop down update.
    2. If the option you're seeking is not available, select NA in OSD on the effected campaign.
  2. Placements are missing from the MC.

    1. This happens for a few reasons: 
      1. Someone deleted them.
        1. solve: the lines need to be rebuilt.
      2. Someone somehow made a secondary version of the media schedule and then committed the other draft.
        1. solve: the 'archived' version of the media schedule can be exported and used to rebuild the lines in the active draft.
  3. I have placements that need to be removed from the MC

    1. if the placement has been pushed, the placement MUST be unlinked from CM360 before you cancel the placement in the media schedule.  
      1. reach out to AdOps for help with this.
        1. Add DNU- to the placements that need to be cancelled or removed.  Save. Commit.
        2. Submit a push request to AdOps to get the placement names updated in CM.
          1. ADOPS: after you push the placements, select the DNU placements in external integrations and hit 'UNLINK'.  Do this any time you see a DNU- in the placement name. It may not be called out in the ticket.  Note that you have unlinked these placements from the ad server
        3. After AdOps confirms the push and unlinking, you can go into the media schedule to complete the cancellation process (listed directly below)
    2. if a placement has not been pushed or the pushed placement has been unlinked from CM:
      1. zero out the line in the media schedule first!
      2. save and commit
      3. select only the line(s) that need to be deleted.
      4. hit cancel
      5. hit save
      6. hit commit
      7. the lines will then be removed from the media schedule.
  4. I have a new placement in OSD that should replace a placement in OSD that was already pushed to CM

    1. DO NOTHING until you talk with AdOps.
    2. AdOps will unlink the CM placement from the 'bad' OSD placement.
    3. Acct/PM/Inv will provide the information for the new, good placement to AdOps to reverse link the existing CM placement to the new OSD placement(s)
      1. the placement(s) should have been built already. If they haven't make sure you submit a builder before initiating this chat!
    4. Acct/PM/Inv will follow the steps to remove the bad placement from the MC
  5. Exports have more columns on some MCs than others

    1. This happens when there's a template update in OSD.  Template updates are also not retroactive. MCs created after the template update will have different columns than the existing.
  6. I need to archive a MC.

    1. Only admins can archive an MC. So reach out to AdOps after you:
      1. Zero out all placements and estimates on the MC
    2. Unlink the MC from the CG.
      1. Go to the CG, select manage links, uncheck (yes - uncheck) all that you want to unlink, hit 'link selected'.  That will unlink an MC from the CG.
        1. This will allow the CG to be archived.
      2. Submit a ticket to AdOps, select OSD Troubleshooting.
        1. provide details in the ticket form that ask for the MC to be archived.
        2. ADOPS: Go into the DNU-MC, hit 'campaign settings', hit 'archive campaign'.
  7. I need to make a new MC by copying an existing one.

This is a good method for if there's been a template update and you don't want to redo all of your work.  Here's a video that Jordyn and I did in real life, but the steps are written below as well.
    1. Go to the MC you'd like to Copy. 
    2. Hit Copy.
    3. Add the word "New" to the end of your cloned MC.  This will help to make sure you don't request for your good MC to be archived.
    4. Presuming you already had an estimate created in the MC that you're going to archive, you can transfer it to your New MC.
      1. Go to Finance in your New MC. 
      2. Click 'Link Existing Estimate'
      3. Find the estimate you want to link, click the box and link the estimate.
    5. Go to the CG, select manage links, check the new MC and hit 'link selected'.  That will link your new MC to the CG.
    6. Go to the MC that you want to archive
    7. Unlink the Estimate.
      1. Go to the Finance section of the MC
      2. Select the box next to the estimate
      3. hit 'unlink'
    8. Go to the MC campaign settings
    9. Add DNU- to the front of the MC
    10. Remove NEW from your cloned campaign.  Since you have DNU on the one you're archiving, you don't need the indicator on your clone.
    11. Unlink the DNU- MC from the CG.
      1. Go to the CG, select manage links, uncheck (yes - uncheck) all that you want to unlink, hit 'link selected'.  That will unlink an MC from the CG.
        1. This will allow the CG to be archived.
    12. Send a ticket to AdOps, select OSD troubleshooting
      1. provide details in the ticket form that ask for the MC to be archived.
        1. ADOPS: Go into the DNU-MC, hit 'campaign settings', hit 'archive campaign'.

  1. I need to update a start or end date in my MC.

    1. Go to your CG (yes, campaign group). Make sure your CG dates span the new dates for your MC.  Update the dates in your CG if they do not.
    2. Go to your MC. Update the dates in your MC
    3. Go to your estimate. Update the dates in your estimate
    4. You'll now be able to update the dates on the individual lines in your media schedule.
    5. Any date updates you make in OSD must be communicated to AdOps on a push request ticket.  
      1. if you update your campaign dates, note this in the body of the ticket to ensure the campaign dates in CM are also updated.
      2. ad and creative dates do not update when placements are pushed.
        1. you must submit a ticket to AdOps
          for any ad or creative date adjustment needs.  Select 'ad or creative changes'
  2. I need to update a start or end date in my MC and OSD isn't letting me commit.

    1. See the answer directly above under 'I need to update a start or end date in my MC.
  3. What tech assignments should I use to make sure that my placements get pushed to the ad server correctly?

    1. Media product & serving typeTech Assignment you should select
      ANYTHING site served; 1p served; 1x1 in dimension
      Campaign Manager 360-Tracking-Display (1x1)
      XM served display; 3p served display; not a 1x1
      Campaign Manager 360-AdServing-Display
      XM served video; 3p served video; not a 1x1
      Campaign Manager 360-AdServing-In-Stream Video

    2. If you have a channel or serving type that is not listed above, please reach out to Nickki before assigning a tech cost!


Mapping suppliers

  1. I need to push and I go to map my supplier and nothing shows in the drop down when I try.

    1. ADOPS: Check the ad server.  It's likely that the site doesn't exist.  Ask the ticket submitter for the site's homepage, make the site in CM, then try to map again.
  2. I need to map a supplier to another site, but it's already mapped to a site.

    1. Too bad, so sad.  suppliers can only be mapped to one site (as of 1/24/25)

Actual Push

  1. How do I get my placements pushed to the ad server?

    1. follow the steps in this video
  2. Push button is grayed out, you can't map suppliers, you can't upload anything

    1. ADOPS: Make sure you're logged into the ad server on the external integrations screen
  3. Trying to push and I'm logged into the ad server via external integrations, but it's not letting me.

    1. ADOPS: Check supplier mapping.  You can't push unless you map the supplier first.
  4. The tech assignments column has two tech assignments on the excel

    1. Its a known bug with OSD that if there are 2 applied, it won't come off of the excel.  Reportedly, there's a fix in place for this in OSD as of 1/21.
    2. Acct/Inv/PM need to check the actual media schedule to verify the tech assignments. If there's 2 there, the bad one needs to be removed from the media schedule before it can be pushed.

Revisions that require a Push

  1. Campaign name needs to be updated

    1. Submit a ticket to AdOps, select 'build or add to a campaign'.
      1. AdOps will update the name manually in the ad server. 
      2. The push from OSD to CM for campaign is a one time, forward only push.  The campaign remains connected by the ID.  If you update the campaign name in CM after the initial push, you will not see it reflected in the external integrations screen.
  2. Placement name needs to be updated

    1. acct/inv/pm needs to update the name in OSD, save and re-commit.
    2. They will need to submit a new push ticket to AdOps and placements will need to be re-pushed to ad server.
  3. The placement dimension doesn't match what's in CM or you've pushed the placement and the dimension doesn't match what you've pushed

    1. "The first push is the deepest".  Whatever the compatibility and dimension are for the placement on that first push is what it will be in the ad server.  It does not get updated on any re-push, even if you change dimension and tech assignment.
      1. If it needs to be changed, acct/inv/pm should make sure OSD is updated to the correct dimension and tech assignments. Then AdOps will edit the placements in CM to be the correct dimensions, then re-push from OSD.  This will correct the sync between them.

Advertiser view workbook

    1. Advertiser sheet doesn't have cost categories on all lines

      1. That's expected.  If a placement exists within a package, you won't have a cost category listed for the child placement.
      2. If your placement is a standalone placement, you will have a cost category.  So if that's missing on the advertiser view, check your media schedule!
    2. Advertiser sheet has multiple tech assignments applied to one line.

      1. You should only have 1 tech assignment applied per line.
        1. Double check that there is only 1 applied in the media schedule.  If you have more than 1, remove the errant tech assignment, save and commit.
        2. If you selected 2 at any point - and saved/committed - then went back in and revised it so there's only 1, you may still see 2 show up on the advertiser export.  
          1. Remove the extra, errant tech assignment from the export.  This is a known issue and FW is working on a patch to fix it.

Ad Server

  1. Financial info - rates, units, total - is missing from CM

    1. If it's not in CM, it wasn't in OSD at the time the push was requested.  If it wasn't entered in OSD, it's likely that it wasn't included on the builder. 
      1. solve: acct/pm/inv should apply the correct rates, units, or total (whatever is missing) to the requisite lines in OSD. Save and commit.  Then submit a push request to adops to ensure the ad server matches OSD.
  2. The dimensions in the ad server don't match the dimensions in OSD.

    1. "The first push is the deepest".  Whatever the compatibility and dimension are for the placement on that first push is what it will be in the ad server.  It does not get updated on any repush, even if you change dimension and tech assignment.
      1. If it needs to be changed, make sure OSD is updated to the correct dimension and tech assignments. Then edit the placements in CM to be the correct dimensions. Then push from OSD.  This will correct the sync between them.
  3. Ad has serving type that are not compatible with its placement assignment which requires Active View compatibility error when trafficking OLV 1x1s:

    1. ADOPS: *Nickki approved: If the cost structure of the placement is set to "vCPM - Active View", AdOps will need to manually change this to "CPM" to continue with trafficking. There is an enhancement to FW to  have OSD map "CPCV" to be "CPM" in CM360, but for now it has to be manually updated. (see ticket 44728 for screenshots)


  1. I need to send an io to someone but there's no option to select anyone,

    1. A domain needs to be added to the supplier in OSD.
      1. If the supplier exists in OSD, you can send a ticket to AdOps, selecting OSD domain from the drop down
      2. If the supplier does not exist in OSD, you'll need to go through the NEW VENDOR PROCESS.

Vendor Inbox

  1. I can't add a teammate to a team in vendor inbox

    1. You get an error that looks like this:

      1. This means that the person you're adding has never received an io before
      2. It's a nuance with FW that a user has to have received an io from OSD to be able to be added to a team in Vendor Inbox.
  2. I can't access vendor inbox.

    1. Please follow the instructions on line 4 of the smartsheet.  Note in the 'more details' area of the ticket that you need Crossmedia Marketplace Viewer access.
    2. Once your access has been created, you'll be able to log into Vendor inbox using single sign on.

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