internal redirects and Google Ad Manager

internal redirects and Google Ad Manager

A Campaign Manager 360 tag (sometimes called an "internal redirect") is a creative that is hosted by Campaign Manager 360. Similar to third-party creatives, a Campaign Manager 360 tag is used to retrieve a creative asset. However, Campaign Manager 360 tags are not sent to the user's browser. Instead, they are processed internally within Campaign Manager 360 and Ad Manager systems.

Campaign Manager 360 tags are used to serve ads to sites because they help simplify the trafficking process, reduce latency, and prevent counting discrepancies between Ad Manager and Campaign Manager 360.

If a supplier is using Google Ad Manager aka GAM, they should be using the internal redirects provided on the 3p served tag sheets from XM.  There is also no need to add macros when using CM360 internal redirects because of the Google-to-Google connection

Support link from GAM's help center is here.

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