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VAST vs. VPAID vs. VPAID elements
Definitions VAST = Video Ad Serving Template a universal script that allows simple videos to play on a publisher's platform allows the video player to know how to play the ad, which ad to play, duration of ad, redirect users to the URL, or skip the ...
IAS Viewability Calculation for reporting
This explains how metrics are calculated, not what the viewable guaranteed number should be on ios. IAS viewability is calculated in the following manner, for reference: IAS removes any IVT from calculations, as well as blocked impressions and those ...
MediaMonks and IAS ad serving rates and reconciliation
Below are the Display/Video rates for IAS Integral Ad Science Display $0.05 cpm Video $0.09 cpm CPM rates above apply to both direct/programmatic IAS: IAS invoices monthly per campaign, ~15th of every month, billed for the month prior (e.g. if ...
CM Video Specs
As a best practice, here are CM's video specs. The below can and should be provided to account teams for the creative houses: The maximum size allowed is 1 GB. Always upload a source file with the highest possible specifications you have ...
XM Ad Tag Cheat Sheet
See below for the type of tags that you'll receive for 4th party partners, depending on the CM360 serving type. IAS, C3 and other partners will only provide you with impression trackers. The only click tracker you will ever receive will be from ...