Ad Choices Logo - how is it applied at XM
If you get any questions related to an ad that does or doesn't have an ad choices logo in the corner (the lil blue triangle in the example ad below):
This is controlled by the supplier/DSP.
For DV360: This is related to "Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) settings". If OBA is selected in your Advertiser settings, then DV360 will manage your ads OBA compliance and will automatically insert an YourAdChoices Icon on the creatives. Please see below a screenshot of where this checkbox is located:
This option can be disabled too, if that is in line with your client's needs. Please click here to read more about OBA settings on DV360.
If OBA is unchecked in your DV360 advertiser settings, you can still add the icon through custom scripts on DV360 or CM360. XM doesn't have developers so we can't do this.:
DV360: If your Ad developers are using custom html creatives, they can add scripts that automatically add the ad-choices tag. In the "additional HTML” section, they would need to add a script that references an image file (the ourAdChoices Icon) and then position it accordingly. Before taking this route, we suggest checking with the publishers as they may not allow it.
CM360: You would need to create a custom display creative on CM360. This will be located in the Creatives tab within your advertiser account. In the "Edit HTML" code box, you will need to add the YourAdChoices Icon creative code provided by your developer. Once that is done, the final step would be to upload the creative asset by clicking on "Add File". Please click here to see a more detailed step-by step on how to apply this on CM360.
The DAA and NAI are frameworks that typically apply to technology and publishers. Agencies are not members unless they own a data or tech company. Crossmedia does not own a data or tech company as we believe that’s a conflict of interest. We absolutely support the mission of transparency behind both DAA and NAI organizations.Within the programmatic technology we use the DAA/ Ad choices frame.
DAA: Self-Regulatory Principles of the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) including for online and mobile (collectively, “DAA Principles”), and all binding interpretations of the DAA Principles, whether by the DAA or by the Council of Better Business Bureaus in an accountability proceeding or otherwise,
NAI Code: Code of Conduct of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI Code”)
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