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Connect to the Guest Wi-Fi
SSID - xmguest Password - Burgerday$ If supported on your device, you can scan the QR code below to join xmguest. Personal devices are only allowed on the "xmguest" network
Envoy Mobile App: Setup and Registration
Set up Step 1: Download the Envoy mobile app You can use the Envoy mobile app on any iPhone running iOS 8 or higher or Android 7.0 or higher. Download the app on the Apple app Store or get it from Google Play. Step 2: Create an account Open Envoy ...
Teams: Allow Screen Sharing
Navigate to System Preferences, and select Security & Privacy. In the Privacy tab, scroll down on the left sidebar and select Screen Recording. To edit app permissions, click on the lock on the bottom left and enter your laptop password when ...
Difference between add, pause and swap when requesting creative updates
USE THE NOTES COLUMN ON YOUR TRAFFICKING WORKBOOKS TO COMMUNICATE THIS TO ADOPS. You must provide context and clear direction. AdOps will only complete the request as written, so be clear! Add means to add new assets to the currently assigned ...
URLs with jumps or anchors
A url that has a jump is one that takes you to a landing page and then jumps to a specific section. You can identify this by the # in the url. typically, we'd add the url appends to the end of the url. for links that have a jump or an anchor, we ...